Our second year of budgeting by pledge

Last year, in an effort to begin more honest and open conversations about money and need at Bloom, we introduced Pledge Sunday. Our deepest thanks to all who participated last year and followed through with your pledge in 2023! It was a huge success for us, and it enabled us to really plan ahead for the year ahead. We've been able to bring on several new staff, pilot some innovative programs, and plan further ahead than we ever have before.

This year. Pledge Sunday will feel like a typical morning gathering, with a finical update given at the announcement time and vision and personal stories shared during the sermon. Together, we will step into a commitment towards what we each feel we can give to Bloom to support the community, the ministry and the work that we share.

We want to begin honest and open conversations about money and need at Bloom. We don't feel that it's healthy to be silent about money nor is it healthy to manipulate and guilted into giving. Pledge Sunday is the next step in our effort to create more open and healthy practices within the community concerning finances and giving.

Whether you have been at Bloom for 15 years or for one service, you are welcome.


- Bloom Congregational Leadership Team

Ask Us a Question

Your Current Giving


needed to fund Bloom

This is who we are

For as long as we've existed, Bloom has been about the work and ministry of her people, and our common life exists to empower and support each person that is a part of this community. Part of that common life is our financial life, and so we're asking that everyone involved in our community pledge their financial support. The amount that each person pledges is not as important as the fact that we are doing this TOGETHER, with each person playing a part in the future of Bloom.

How to play your part


Attend the Pledge Sunday on November 19


Pledge your financial support


Donate towards that pledge throughout 2024

A few more details....

On Sunday, November 19

  • We will meet at our normal gathering time: 10:30am
  • We will present the 2024 budget and receive pledges.
  • Kids will go to Bloom Kids until communion.

Concerning Pledges

  • Although pledges are received in 2023, they apply to the 2024 budget. You will not begin to give towards your pledge goal until 2024.
  • Pledges can be made anytime from now until the first Sunday of Advent.

Concerning Transparency

  • The 2024 budget will be available on Monday, November 13.
  • Pledges will be counted by the end of Pledge Sunday on November 19, so everyone will know exactly where we stand. for 2024.
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